So let’s say you’ve got an Enterprise Distribution License with Apple, and you’re writing an app with Appcelerator’s Titanium. You want to be able to deploy an .ipa to your server with a single command. You’ll need to automate a couple things:

  1. Building the project in Titanium
  2. Code signing to produce an .ipa
  3. Uploading to your server
  4. Updating your .plist file to point to the correct .ipa or setting up a symbolic link so the .plist will point to the current .ipa.

I use make in my project to handle the automation. Below are snippets of some of my Makefile rules which should help you automate your build process.

Automating the Titanium Build

ios-app : os-sanity update-rev
   @echo "Executing Titanium build script for iPhone .."
   @$(PYTHON) $(IOS_BUILDER) distribute $(IOS_VER) "`pwd`"\
      $(DEVIDENT) "`pwd`/build/iphone/" universal | egrep -v '[DEBUG]'

This rule assumes that the current directory is a Titanium project (hence the pwd). It requires a couple of make variables:

I also pipe this through egrep to get rid of all debug messages for cleaner output.

This will compile a .app for you; now, we’ll need to sign it to create an .ipa for distribution.

Automatic Code Signing

   /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v \
      "`pwd`/build/iphone/build/Release-iphoneos/$(APP_NAME).app" \
      -o "`pwd`/build/$(APP_NAME).ipa" \
      --sign $(DISTRIB_PROFILE) \
      --embed "`pwd`/build/iphone/build/Release-iphoneos/$(APP_NAME).app/embedded.mobileprovision"

This rule will use xcrun to perform the actual packaging of the app. Only one additional variable is introduced:

This will create an .ipa file in your build folder. This will need to be copied to the server which will be distributing your application.


   scp build/$(APP_NAME).ipa deploy@server:ipa/$(APP_NAME)-$(GITDESCRIBE).ipa
   ssh deploy@server ln -fs \~/ipa/$(APP_NAME)-$(GITDESCRIBE).ipa \~/ipa/$(APP_NAME).ipa

These two lines simply scp the file over and then symlink your app name to the latest version of your app. $(GITDESCRIBE) could be any type of description of the current version; in my case it’s git describe --always. If you’re using svn or mercurial or (gasp) cvs, set this variable to whatever identifies the current checked out revision.

Putting it all together, we have the following rule:

distribute: ios-app codesign deploy

and your latest version is on your server, waiting to be downloaded.

Automatic updating, too!

The only problem thus far is that your enterprise customers don’t get notified when you make a new release. Even if they did, they’d have to manually go and download the new version. How tedious. Luckilly, with a bit of simple Javascript, we can remedy the situation.

You’ll first have to find a way for the server to be able to report the current version available. I do this by having a motd.json file with a version field which indicates the current client .ipa available on the server. When I deploy, I have a rule which will shell into the deployment server and sed that line in the motd.json file.

Every time the client is started, it pulls this motd.json file and checks its version against the server’s version. If they differ, it pulls a new .ipa off the server.

Not the most elegant solution, I know; but, as I only write a single app at the moment, I haven’t yet invested the time into writing some kindof open source deployment architecture. It’s an idea, though.

Your motd.json may look something like:


So, we’ll write a simple rule to sed this to be the current $(GITDESCRIBE):

   ssh deploy@server sed -i\'.bak\' -e \'s/\"version\":\".*\"/\"version\":\"$(GITDESCRIBE)\"/\' public_html/motd.json

Your client app must also have knowledge of it’s current revision. You can do this by creating a revision.js file in your Resources directory:

   @echo 'module.exports = $(GITDESCRIBE);' > Resources/revision.js

This file can now be require()d to obtain the current version. Now, your distribute rule will look like this:

distribute: update-rev ios-app codesign deploy update-motd

Lastly, we’ll need a bit of Javascript to tie it all together. We’ll need to pull motd.json from the server, check the version, and openURL an itms-services url in order to start the upgrade. The following example is very bare; you most likely want to pop up a window informing the user that an update is available:

// update.js
function check () {
   var url = "",
       client = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();

   client.onload = function (e) {
      try {
         var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText),
             version = require('version');

         if (data.version != version) {
            // Actually trigger the update
            // This will display the ' wants to install..' box
      } catch (e) {
         alert('error checking for update');

   client.onerror = function (e) {
      alert('error checking for update');

module.exports = check;

To use this snippet, we’ll have to require it elsewhere and invoke the check() function:

var update = require('update');

When the above bit is run, a box will pop up saying ‘Developer would like to install Application’ when an update is available.

This is a great way to quickly deploy to enterprise customers. You may also be able to use a similar method to the above for deploying to beta testers, though I have not tested this.

Enjoy & good luck.

Published on 11 March 2012

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