node.js javascript
NextbusJS is a wrapper around the Nextbus API written for Node.js and Titanium. Data about the agency can be cached on the server and used on the client, which is what we do for the Rutgers Mobile App.
More information is available on the Github page.
var rutgers = require('nextbusjs').client();
rutgers.cacheAgency('rutgers', function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
rutgers.routePredict('a', null, function (err, data) {
// data will contain:
[ { title: 'Scott Hall',
predictions: [ '8', '19', '31', '43', '54' ] },
{ title: 'Student Activities Center',
predictions: [ '12', '23', '35', '47', '58' ] },
{ title: 'Visitor Center',
predictions: [ '3', '16', '27', '39', '51' ] },
{ title: 'Stadium',
predictions: [ '4', '17', '28', '40', '52' ] },
{ title: 'Werblin Back Entrance',
predictions: [ '6', '19', '30', '42', '54' ] },
{ title: 'Hill Center',
predictions: [ '7', '20', '31', '43', '55' ] },
{ title: 'Science Building',
predictions: [ '8', '22', '33', '45', '57' ] },
{ title: 'Library of Science',
predictions: [ '10', '23', '34', '46', '58' ] },
{ title: 'Busch Suites',
predictions: [ '1', '12', '25', '36', '48' ] },
{ title: 'Busch Campus Center',
predictions: [ '2', '13', '27', '38', '50' ] },
{ title: 'Buell Apartments',
predictions: [ '4', '15', '28', '39', '51' ] },
{ title: 'Werblin Main Entrance',
predictions: [ '5', '16', '29', '40', '52' ] },
{ title: 'Rutgers Student Center',
predictions: [ '10', '21', '34', '45', '57' ] } ]
}, 'minutes');
rutgers.stopPredict('Hill Center', null, function (err, data) {
// data will contain:
[ { direction: 'To Busch Student Center',
title: 'A',
predictions: [ '7', '20', '31', '43', '55' ] },
{ direction: 'To Busch Student Center',
title: 'B',
predictions: [ '8', '16', '22', '30', '38' ] },
{ direction: 'To Allison Road Classrooms',
title: 'C',
predictions: null },
{ direction: 'To Allison Road Classrooms',
title: 'REX B',
predictions: [ '6', '20', '23', '35', '47' ] },
{ direction: 'To Livingston Student Center',
title: 'All Campuses',
predictions: null },
{ direction: 'To Livingston Student Center',
title: 'Weekend 1',
predictions: null },
{ direction: 'To Stadium West Lot',
title: 'C',
predictions: null },
{ direction: 'To Rutgers Student Center',
title: 'H',
predictions: [ '1', '13', '24', '36', '48' ] },
{ direction: 'To College Hall',
title: 'REX B',
predictions: [ '0', '12', '24', '35', '47' ] },
{ direction: 'To Rutgers Student Center',
title: 'Weekend 2',
predictions: null } ]
}, 'minutes');
var nearest = rutgers.closestStops(40.40264, -74.3840120);
//{ 'Rutgers Student Center': 7,
// 'Student Activities Center': 6,
// 'Scott Hall': 5 }