
This is an extremely simple implementation of the 'backtracking' algorithm for solving boolean satisfiability problems. It contains no optimizations.

The input consists of a boolean expression in Conjunctive Normal Form. This means it looks something like this:

(blue OR green) AND (green OR NOT yellow)

We encode this as an array of strings with a - in front for negation:

[['blue', 'green'], ['green', '-yellow']]


  • variables is the list of all variables
  • clauses is an array of clauses.
  • model is a set of variable assignments.
function solve (variables, clauses, model) {
  model = model || {};

If every clause is satisfiable, return the model which worked.

  if (clauses.every(function (c) { return satisfiable(c, model); }))
    return model;

If any clause is exactly false, return false; this model will not work.

  if (clauses.some(function (c) { return satisfiable(c, model) === false; }))
    return false;

Choose a new value to test by simply looping over the possible variables and checking to see if the variable has been given a value yet.

  var choice;
  for (var i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
    if (model[variables[i]] === undefined) {
      choice = variables[i];

If there are no more variables to try, return false.

  if (!choice) return false;

Recurse into two cases. The variable we chose will need to be either true or false for the expression to be satisfied.

  return solve(variables, clauses, update(model, choice, true)) ||
         solve(variables, clauses, update(model, choice, false));


Copies the model, then sets choice = value in the model, and returns it.

function update (model, choice, value) {
  var copy = {};
  for (var v in model) copy[v] = model[v];
  copy[choice] = value;
  return copy;


Determines whether a clause is satisfiable given a certain model.

function satisfiable (clause, model) {

If every variable is false, then the clause is false.

  if (clause.every(function (v) { return resolve(v, model) === false; }))
    return false;

If any variable is true, then the clause is true.

  if (clause.some(function (v) { return resolve(v, model) === true; }))
    return true;

Otherwise, we don't know what the clause is.

  return undefined;


Resolve some variable to its actual value, or undefined.

function resolve (variable, model) {
  if (variable[0] == '-') {
    var value = model[variable.slice(1)];
    return value === undefined? undefined : !value;
  } else return model[variable];

exports.solve = solve;
exports.update = update;
exports.satisfiable = satisfiable;
exports.resolve = resolve;