

Titanium SDK manager

This file contains functions for retreiving builds & build metadata from Appcelerator. Tests are in test.js.

var request = require("request");
var async = require("async");
var semver = require("semver");
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var util = require("util");
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var rimraf = require('rimraf');

var tsm = {};
module.exports = tsm;

Public API


  • options object
    • dir output directory
    • input git hash or version to match
    • os os to match, should be 'osx' 'win32' 'linux'
  • done callback, called with (error)

Installs a matching SDK to the provided directory. Returns an emitter which will emit progress events like {left: 38413, done: 5893, percent: 0.34}, debug events and log events.

tsm.install = function (options, done) {
  var emitter = options.emitter || new EventEmitter();

  tsm.getAllBuilds(options.input, options.os, function (error, builds) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    if (builds.length === 0) return done(new Error("no matching SDK versions"));
    var build = builds.pop();
    var total = build.size;
    var left = total;
    var dest = path.join(options.dir, build.filename);

    emitter.emit('chose', build);

    var req = request(;

    req.on('error', done);

    req.on('data', function (buffer) { 
      left -= buffer.length;
      emitter.emit('progress', {
        left: left, 
        done: total - left, 
        percent: (total-left) / total

    req.on('end', function () {
      var dir = path.resolve(options.dir, "..", "..");
      emitter.emit('debug', "complete");
      emitter.emit('downloaded', {dest: dest, dir: dir});
      tsm.unzip(dest, dir, function (er) {
        if (er) return done(er);

        emitter.emit('extracted', {dest: dest});
        fs.unlink(options.dir + "/" + build.filename, function (er) {
          if (er) return done(er);

  }, emitter);

  return emitter;


  • options object
    • dir directory to find sdks
    • input git hash or version to match
  • done callback called with (error)

Removes sdks matching input. Returns an emitter which may emit debug and/or log events.

tsm.remove = function (options, done) {
  var emitter = options.emitter || new EventEmitter();

  tsm.findInstalled(options.dir, options.input, function (error, builds) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    if (builds.length === 0) return done(new Error('no matched builds'));
    var dirs = (item) { return item.dir; });
    async.forEach(dirs, function (item, callback) {
      emitter.emit('deleting', item);
      rimraf(item, callback);
    }, done);
  }, emitter);

  return emitter;


  • options object, can have the following properties:
    • os string required os of builds, one of 'osx' 'linux' 'win32'
    • installed boolean, whether or not to include installed builds
    • available boolean, whether or not to include uninstalled builds
    • dir string, directory to look for installed builds
    • input string, git hash or version to match
  • done callback called on completion with (error, builds)

The complete solution for listing builds. Returns an EventEmitter which will emit 'log' and 'debug' events.

tsm.list = function (options, done) {
  if (typeof options.os !== 'string') 
    throw new TypeError("options.os is required");
  if (options.installed && typeof options.dir != 'string')
    throw new TypeError("options.dir is required for options.installed");

  var emitter = options.emitter || new EventEmitter();

    installed: function (callback) {
      if (!options.installed) callback(null, []);
      else {
        emitter.emit('debug', "Finding installed SDKs.");
        tsm.findInstalled(options.dir, options.input, callback, emitter);

    available: function (callback) {
      if (!options.available) callback(null, []);
      else {
        emitter.emit('debug', "Pulling available SDKs.");
        emitter.emit('available', options);
        tsm.getAllBuilds(options.input, options.os, callback, emitter);
  }, function (error, data) {
    if (error) done(error);
    else done(null, tsm.mergeBuilds(data.available, data.installed));

  return emitter;


  • options object
    • dir directory to find sdks
    • input git hash or version to match
    • os 'android' or 'iphone'
    • args array of arguments to pass to
    • python string, optional, path of python
    • silent boolean; if true, output will be supressed
  • done callback to call when completed or upon error

Runs the script for the specified os.

tsm.builder = function (options, done) {
  var emitter = options.emitter || new EventEmitter();
  options.python = options.python || 'python';

  tsm.findInstalled(options.dir, options.input, function (error, builds) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    if (builds.length === 0) return done (new Error('no matched builds'));
    var build = builds.pop();

    var args = [path.join(build.dir, options.os, '')];
    var child = spawn('python', args.concat(options.args || []));
    emitter.emit('spawned', child);

    child.on('exit', function (code) {
      if (code === 0 || code === 255)
      else {
        var er = new Error("process exited with code: " + code);
        er.code = code;

    if (!options.silent) {
  }, emitter);

  return emitter;


  • options object
    • dir directory to find sdks
    • input git hash or version to match
    • args array of arguments to pass to
    • python string, optional, path of python
    • silent boolean; if true, output will be supressed
  • done callback to call when completed or upon error

Runs the script

tsm.titanium = function (options, done) {
  var emitter = options.emitter || new EventEmitter();
  options.python = options.python || 'python';

  tsm.findInstalled(options.dir, options.input, function (error, builds) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    if (builds.length === 0) return done (new Error('no matched builds'));
    var build = builds.pop();

    var args = [path.join(build.dir, '')];
    args = args.concat(options.args || []);
    emitter.emit('debug', "spawning: python " + args);
    var child = spawn('python', args);
    emitter.emit('spawned', child);

    child.on('exit', function (code) {
      if (code === 0 || code === 255)
      else {
        var er = new Error("process exited with code: " + code);
        er.code = code;

    if (!options.silent) {
  }, emitter);

  return emitter;

Helper functions

var branchesURL = 
var branchURL = 

zipURL needs branch/zipname added to it

var zipURL = '';


  • input some partial hash
  • revision some git revision hash

Checks to see if the given input matches the given hash

tsm.gitCheck = function (input, revision) {
  if (input && input.length > 1 && revision.indexOf(input) === 0) return true;
  else return false;


  • done callback to be called when complete, passed (error, data)

Gets a list of branches from Appcelerator, formatted as an array of strings

tsm.getBranches = function (done) {
  request(branchesURL, function (error, response, body) {
    try {
      if (error) throw error;
      if (response.statusCode != 200) 
        throw new Error("HTTP " + response.statusCode);

      var data = JSON.parse(body).branches;
      if (!data) throw new Error("got malformed response from appcelerator");

      done(null, data);
    } catch (e) { done(e); }


  • dateStr string to parse date out of

Parses dates from the strange way Appcelerator chooses to format them. Returns a date object.

tsm.parseDate = function (dateStr) {
  var date = new Date();

date parsing code stolen right off of

    dateStr.substring(0,4), dateStr.substring(4,6)-1, dateStr.substring(6,8));
  date.setHours(dateStr.substring(8, 10));

  return date;


  • input version or git hash to match against builds, can be falsy
  • os should be 'linux' or 'osx' or 'win32'
  • builds array of builds to parse

Parses a build list from appcelerator, matching only those builds we're interested in. Returns a list of builds formatted like:

    date: date object corresponding to build date,
    version: version string like '2.2.0',
    zip: zip url,
    git_revision: git hash,
    githash: short git hash (first 7 chars),
    sha1: sha1 hash of file,
    size: size in bytes,
    git_branch: git branch name,
    build_type: mobile or desktop,
    filename: basename ie '',
    build_url: jenkins url
tsm.parseBuildList = function (input, os, builds, emitter) {
  return builds.filter(function (item) { 
    if (os && item.filename.indexOf(os) === -1) return false;

    var match;

Parse out version from filename (without date on the end)

    match = item.filename.match(/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*/);
    if (Array.isArray(match)) item.version = match[0];

Parse out date from filename

    match = item.filename.match(/[0-9]{14}/);
    if (Array.isArray(match)) = tsm.parseDate(match[0]); = zipURL + item.git_branch + "/" + item.filename;
    item.githash = item.git_revision.slice(0, 7);

Ignore invalid builds. Shouldn't fail unless they change something..

    if (!item.version || ! {
      if (emitter) emitter.emit(
        "couldn't parse version or date from filename: " + item.filename
      return false;

    var satisfied;
    if (input) satisfied = (
      semver.satisfies(item.version, input) || 
      tsm.gitCheck(input, item.git_revision)

If there's no input, or if there is input and it was satisfied, this item 'passes'

    if (!input || (input && satisfied)) return true;

    return false;


  • branch branch to get builds for
  • done callback function called with (error, builds)

Get the list of builds for a particular branch

tsm.getBuilds = function (branch, done) {
  var url = branchURL.replace('$BRANCH', branch);
  request(url, function (error, response, body) { 
    try {
      if (error) throw error;
      if (response.statusCode != 200)
        throw new Error("got http " + response.statusCode);
      var data = JSON.parse(body);
      done(null, data);
    catch (e) { done(e); }


  • input git hash or version to match
  • os os to match, should be 'linux' or 'osx' or 'win32'
  • done callback function, called with (error, builds)

Gets all builds matching the input query. Input can be undefined in which case we return all builds.

tsm.getAllBuilds = function (input, os, done, emitter) {
  emitter = emitter || new EventEmitter();

  tsm.getBranches(function (error, branches) {
    async.reduce(branches, [], function (memo, item, callback) {
      emitter.emit('debug', "retrieving builds for branch: " + item);

      tsm.getBuilds(item, function (error, builds) {
        if (error) callback(error);
        else callback(null, memo.concat(builds));
    }, function (error, result) {

Sort and return

      if (error) return done(error);

      result = tsm.parseBuildList(input, os, result);
      result.sort(function (a, b) {
        return -;

      done(null, result);

  return emitter;


  • data version file text

Parses the text of a version.txt file and returns it

tsm.parseVersionFile = function (data) {
  return data.split('\n').reduce(function (memo, item) { 
    if (!item) return memo;

remove /r characters which may be present on windows

    item = item.replace(/\r/g, '');
    item = item.split('=');
    memo[item[0]] = item[1];
    return memo;
  }, {});


  • dir directory to examine
  • done callback called with (error, data)

Tries to get the version.txt file in a directory. If it isn't found or it doesn't appear to have the correct properties, an error is returned.

tsm.examineDir = function (dir, done) {
  fs.readFile(path.join(dir, 'version.txt'), 'utf8', function (error, data) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    data = tsm.parseVersionFile(data);
    if (!data.githash || !data.version || !data.timestamp)
      done(new SyntaxError('dir does not appear to contain a valid sdk'));
    else done(null, data);


  • dir directory to examine
  • input git hash or version to match
  • done callback function, called with (error, builds)

Finds installed versions. Returns an emitter which may emit 'debug' and 'log' events.

tsm.findInstalled = function (dir, input, done, emitter) {
  emitter = emitter || new EventEmitter();
  fs.readdir(dir, function (error, versions) {
    if (error) return done(error);
    emitter.emit("debug", "examining directories: " + versions.join(','));
    async.reduce(versions, [], function (memo, version, callback) {
      tsm.examineDir(path.join(dir, version), function (error, build) {
        if (error) return callback(null, memo);

        emitter.emit("debug", "got data for version: " + version);

        var satisfied;
        if (input) satisfied = (
          semver.satisfies(build.version, input) || 
          tsm.gitCheck(input, build.githash)

        if (!input || (input && satisfied)) {
          emitter.emit("debug", version + " satisfies, returning it");
            githash: build.githash,
            version: build.version,
            date: new Date(build.timestamp),
            dir: path.join(dir, version)

        callback(null, memo);
    }, function (error, data) {
      if (error) return done(error);

      data.sort(function (a, b) {
        return -;
      done(null, data);
  return emitter;


  • available uninstalled but available builds
  • installed builds assumed to already be on the user's system

Merges one list of available builds and one list of installed builds

tsm.mergeBuilds = function (available, installed) {

Setup a mapping of git hashes to build objects.

  var installedByHash = {};
  installed.forEach(function (build) { 
    installedByHash[build.githash] = build; 

We'll loop over the available builds and delete builds from the installedByHash object when we encounter them. That way, any builds not present in the installed list but present in the available list will still be in the installedByHash object at the end and we can simply drop those on the end of the available list and return it.

  available = (build) {
    if (installedByHash[build.githash]) build.installed = true;
    else build.installed = false;

    delete installedByHash[build.githash];
    return build;

  Object.keys(installedByHash).forEach(function (hash) {
    var build = installedByHash[hash];
    build.installed = true;

  available.sort(function (a, b) {
    return -;

  return available;

var oldexec = exec;
exec = function (what, callback) {
   oldexec(what, callback);


  • zip zip file to extract
  • output output directory
  • done callback

Extracts some zip. Should work on windows and any platform that has unzip.

tsm.unzip = function (zip, output, done) {
  if (process.platform == 'win32')
    exec("\"" + __dirname + "\\7za.exe\" x -y \"" + zip + "\" -o\"" + output + "\"", done);
    exec("unzip -oqq '" + zip + "' -d '" + output + "'", done);